Thursday, 23 February 2012

Wrong number of parameters sent to script 'eiPROC_SOP_DP_Update_Header_Sub1'

An old problem came to revisit me today.  A client running Dynamics GP 10 Service Pack 5 (1685) was experiencing the following issue when printing Dispatch Notes for more then one sales order using the Navigation List window. 

Unhandled script exception:
Wrong number of parameters sent to script 'eiPROC_SOP_DP_Update_Header_Sub1'.


The problem is experienced when then client is setup to use Enhanced Intrastat.  A call logged with Mcirosoft previously stated that it had been fixed in Dynamics GP 10 SP5 and also Dynamics GP 2010 SP1.  It appears even with latest hotfix 10.00.1835 it is also still an issue.

I have now told the client to use the Print Sales Documents window in order to print multiple documents and abandon the new features they liked in Dynamics GP 10.  Not every one can afford the time to upgrade to the latest version

kind regards
Michael Nunes